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What is the "one belt along the way" and the building industrialization?

Date:2017-05-15  Author:DEX  View: 1620
Today's world is undergoing complex and profound changes, the deep-seated impact of the international financial crisis continues to emerge, the world economy is slowly recovering, development and differentiation, the pattern of international investment and trade and multilateral investment and trade rules are brewing profound adjustment, and the development problems faced by all countries are still grim. We will build a "one belt and one road" in line with the trend of world multipolarization, economic globalization, cultural diversification and social informatization. We must uphold the spirit of open regional cooperation and strive to safeguard the global free trade system and the open world economy. The construction of the "one belt and one road" is aimed at promoting orderly and free flow of economic elements, efficient allocation of resources and deep market integration, promoting the coordination of economic policies among all countries along the border, carrying out regional cooperation in a wider range, higher level and deeper level, and jointly building an open, inclusive, balanced and inclusive regional economic cooperation framework. Co building the "one belt and one road" is in line with the fundamental interests of the international community, highlighting the common ideals and beautiful pursuit of human society. It is a positive exploration of the new mode of international cooperation and global governance, and will add new positive energy to world peace and development.
The impact of supply side reform on the construction industry
"Supply side reform" has become the most eye-catching vocabulary in China's economic field. Since October 2015, Liu He, director of the Central Finance Office and deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, talked about the "supply-side reform" in Guangdong, the central government mentioned the "supply-side reform" four times in November 2015, and Chairman Xi Jinping first put forward the concept of "supply-side structural reform" at the meeting of the Central Leading Group on Finance and Economics. The economic work conference clearly put forward five tasks, namely, capacity removal, inventory removal, deleveraging, cost reduction, and short-board supplement. The "supply-side reform" has become a national strategy, but the market has doubts about its effect. In January 2016, the People's Daily published "Seven questions on supply-side structural reform - authoritative personages talk about the current economic situation." President Xi Jinping gave strong support to the supply-side reform when he was studying in Chongqing. Premier Li Keqiang expressed his determination to resolve the problem of excess capacity when presiding over the meeting in Shaanxi. At this point, the divergence between the market and the supply-side reform disappeared and the form of the reform was consistent. Period.
"Supply-side reform" is a new way to seek new impetus for economic growth, which mainly emphasizes the promotion of economic growth by increasing social supply. It starts with supply and production end, and promotes economic development by liberating productivity and enhancing competitiveness. Specifically, it calls for the clean-up of zombie enterprises, the elimination of backward capacity, the direction of development will be locked in emerging areas, innovative areas, and create new economic growth points. Policy means, including simplification of government and decentralization, deregulation, financial reform, reform of state-owned enterprises, land reform, improvement of innovation capacity, from the perspective of supply-side management, are essentially ways to improve total factor productivity. The new deployment at the industrial level, the regulatory level, the fiscal and taxation system level and the capital level outlines the key areas and scale of the "supply-side reform". Obviously, none of these reforms can be accomplished in a day, which also shows that the "supply-side reform" is not a temporary measure against the economic situation, but a strategic plan for the overall situation. From the perspective of connotation and strategic deployment, "supply-side reform" should promote the effective dissolution of excess production and improve supply from the industrial level; reduce costs and improve supply from the level of fiscal and taxation system; dissolve real estate inventory and eliminate supply constraints at the level of regulation and control; guard against financial risks and emphasize supply at the level of capital. Stability.
Through comprehensive analysis, the influence of the "supply side reform" on the construction industry is mainly manifested in the following four aspects:
Mode of production
The impact of production mode on the construction industry is far-reaching and significant. Under the policy background of "supply-side reform", the construction industry must change the traditional labor-intensive and extensive mode of production, promote construction industrialization and intensive production and management, strengthen multi-party cooperation, and enrich the mode of cooperation.
Factor input
Factor input itself is one of the important contents of "supply-side reform". Therefore, the construction industry should improve the supply of labor force, increase the input of innovative factors, and strengthen the investment of construction information construction, so as to cope with the plight of the number of construction practitioners, especially the shortage of high-quality personnel, and promote the transformation of construction industry and construction enterprises. The realization of the "T" upgrade will form the integrated application of information technology in the construction industry, such as the interconnected four-storehouse-one platform, internal management information system, BIM technology, Internet technology and so on, so as to enhance the innovative ability and scientific and technological content of the construction industry and improve the utilization efficiency of the relevant building elements.
Industrial structure
The industrial structure is also directly related to the supply capacity and level of the construction industry. Therefore, the construction industry needs to control the increase of industrial projects with excess capacity, such as resource-based industrial projects, real estate projects, etc., to optimize and digest the existing stock, to increase investment in human engineering for the people's livelihood and new green and intelligent construction projects. Policy support, such as public transport, water conservancy, environmental protection, sports and medical education, pension, passive housing, green building, intelligent housing and road projects. At the same time, we should implement the idea of Internet + and increase the supply of personalized construction projects to meet the needs of different groups of people, such as container houses, different architectural style projects, etc.

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